

Frequently Asked Questions 关于 金融援助

我们知道,2024-25年FAFSA的更新和变化影响了我们许多家庭. 下面是一些 最常见的问题之一. 

2024 - 25 FAFSA

Contributor is a new term introduced on the 2024 - 25 FAFSA form. It refers to anyone asked to provide information on a student’s FAFSA form, i.e., 学生, 学生的配偶, 亲生父母或养父母, 或者父母的配偶(继父母).

  • 贡献者收到一封电子邮件,通知他们已被确定为贡献者. 
  • 贡献者创建了一个助学金.政府 account if they don’t already have one. 
  • 贡献者使用他们的FSA ID帐户的用户名和密码登录他们的帐户. 
  • Contributor reviews information about completing their section of the FAFSA form. 
  • Contributor provides the required information on 学生’s FAFSA form.

North Park will review students who fall into this 类别. Admission counselors will work with families on a case-by-case basis.

北公园现在向完成学业的学生提供经济援助 2024–25 FAFSA. 如果你有 提交 your 2024 - 25 FAFSA but need to make a correction, 重新登录 studentaid.政府 要进行任何更改.

如果你在北公园注册本科课程,你可以获得的经济援助的基本估计, 查看我们的 净价计算器.

Still have questions about financial aid topics? 下面是一些 questions that we hear often from students 和 parents. We hope you’ll find the answers you’re looking for here. However, if you still have specific questions about your financial aid award, please 联系财政援助办公室.

是的. 的 FAFSA 必须每年完成,你希望有资格获得联邦援助,包括学生贷款. 你(和你的父母), 如果你是一个受抚养的学生)将使用相同的FSA ID每年签署你的FAFSA.

如果你有 a credit on your account (more aid than your total bill), you can use those excess funds for additional educational expenses. Once all of your aid has posted to your account, 你的费用已经付清了, you will receive a refund check for the credit amount on your account. If you need funds for books prior to your aid being posted to your account, 你最多可以申请500美元 预付现金 对于来自 金融援助.

在你申请之后,招生办公室会考虑你申请北公园奖学金和助学金. If you are interested in obtaining need-based aid 和/or federal student 贷款s, 你需要填写FAFSA. Once you have been admitted to North Park, we’ve received your scholarship information from 招生, 我们已经收到了你的FAFSA, the University will create a financial aid package for you. 经济援助办公室将确保你获得的所有经济援助都记入你的账户,并出现在你的奖励信上.

当你提交FAFSA时, the information you report is used to calculate your Student 援助 Index (SAI). Your SAI is used to determine your eligibility for federal, state 和 North Park financial aid based on formulas determined by each agency.

We recommend filing the FAFSA as soon as you are able, 特别是如果你是伊利诺斯州的一名本科生,希望被考虑为伊利诺斯州的MAP补助金. It will be available beginning October 1.

If a change in your current family situation occurs, 比如失去工作或收入, 分居或离婚, 以及任何其他可能影响你的家庭负担你的教育费用的情况, 联系财政援助办公室 to discuss filing an appeal for a change in your financial aid award.

A 财政援助办事处 staff members can assist you in setting up a 付款计划 to pay your outst和ing balance for any academic term. Please call (773) 244-5560 for more information. 如果你需要额外的资金,请 联系你的财务援助顾问. 的y may be able to increase your 贷款 amounts for the current term. 了解更多关于学生贷款的信息.

No. 对于自己上大学的适龄子女的父母,没有联邦援助津贴.

一旦你完成了所需的 贷款文件,你的贷款将被处理. 的 funds will come electronically from the 政府ernment, 和 will post to your North Park student account about a month into the term. You will receive an email when the funds have arrived. If/when you have a credit on your account (more aid than what you are being charged), you will receive a refund check for that amount. You will receive another email if/when your refund check is ready.

对于传统的本科生来说,夏季学期没有助学金或奖学金. (北公园的 暑期班 在学年期间,课程的学费低于全日制学费.) You may have 贷款 eligibility for the summer term, 但前提是你没有在秋季和春季学期借用你的年度贷款金额. 向 财政援助办事处 to see if you still have 贷款 funds that you can borrow. 你必须在夏季学期注册至少六个学分才能获得剩余的贷款资金.


Academic scholarships are based on your achievement prior to coming to North Park. 我们不会重新为返校学生提供学术奖学金,也不会根据你在亚游集团官方网站的学习成绩奖励/增加奖学金.

No. 亚游集团官方网站是三级学校,不提供任何体育奖学金.

大约三分之一的学生被随机挑选出来接受联邦政府的认证. 我们需要收集您(和您的父母/配偶)的税务信息和w -2表格的复印件,以核实您提供的信息是否正确 FAFSA 是准确的. 如果您被选中进行验证, you will be notified by the 财政援助办事处 to submit these documents. Your financial aid will be “unofficial” until verification has been completed.

我们建议你提交 FAFSA 至少第一年是这样. It is impossible to determine what aid you may receive just from your income level. Many other factors play a role in determining your financial aid eligibility, including the size of your household, age of oldest parent, state of residency, etc. 的 FAFSA is free 和 only takes a small amount of time to complete. Also keep in mind that you cannot borrow student 贷款s without a FAFSA on file.

适用于离异或分居的父母, 在提交FAFSA之前的12个月内,提供最多经济支持的父母的收入和资产报告,即使学生不与该父母或与另一位父母住在一起.

根据任何联邦或州法律被判犯有涉及拥有或销售受控物质的任何罪行的学生将没有资格获得联邦学生援助(包括助学金), 贷款, (或工作援助),自定罪之日起至下表所列的期间结束:

无被选资格的时期 第一次进攻 1年
第二次进攻 2年
第三次进攻 不定
无被选资格的时期 第一次进攻 2年
第二次进攻 3年


  1. Includes at least two unannounced drug tests;
  2. 已接受或有资格直接或间接接受联邦、州或

    • 由联邦、州或地方政府机构或法院管理或承认的;
    • 已接受或有资格直接或间接接受联邦政府的付款-或
      State – licensed insurance company; or
    • 是否由联邦或州许可的医院、诊所或其他医疗机构管理或认可