School of Restorative Arts

School of Restorative Arts

北公园的修复艺术学院提供基督教事工和修复艺术硕士学位,允许自由和被监禁的学生一起学习. 这个独特的学位课程旨在为易受暴力影响的环境中的恢复部门做好准备,包括创伤课程, race relations, nonviolent communication, conflict transformation, restorative practices, and transformative justice, in addition to Bible, theology, and history.  In partnership with the Illinois Department of Corrections, 这个四年制学位目前在斯塔维尔惩教中心提供,有80名被监禁的男性和第一批20名女性在洛根惩教中心.

SRA Student Spotlight: Michael Simmons

Hear some of Michael’s powerful story in this interview.

Degree Program

北园神学院努力确保我们的学生为神呼召他们的事工做好准备. This unique degree is no exception. Our 4-year Master of Arts in Christian Ministry with Restorative Arts degree program, 你将加深你的圣经和神学基础,并通过在Stateville惩教中心的综合课堂体验,发展你自己的恢复事工模式, a maximum security prison.

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Transformative Justice Certificate

Housed in Stateville Correctional Center and run through NPTS, SRA提供基督教事工硕士学位,其中包括恢复性艺术课程,允许自由和被监禁的学生一起学习. The foci of the program include positive race relations and cultural differences,  non-violent communication, deepening of one’s faith, servant leadership, and much more.

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Thriving Prophetically

北公园神学院获得了一笔赠款,使我们能够深入关注我们希望学生和牧师茁壮成长的三个领域. Thriving Prophetically is one of those three areas. 它的重点是连接个人谁是在司法部门相关领域的工作,并通过同行领导装备他们, group mentoring cohorts. 不同的小组是少年司法领导和盟约司法联盟.

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State of Grace



The remarkable “last day” for SRA student Oscar “Smiley” Parham.

Church Without Walls


[re]story Performing Arts

[re]story是一群自由和被监禁的学生,专注于讲述救赎的故事. [re]story的目标是通过戏剧表演来讲述故事,以某种方式改变围绕大规模监禁的叙述,从而在伊利诺伊州和其他州的刑事司法系统中实施恢复性司法. 由亚游集团官方网站恢复性艺术学院的在囚学生创作和开发的两个小时的表演作品将于2021年8月在胜利花园剧院由外部演员演出.

Stations of the Cross

This video was produced for Holy Week 2020, a time when many around the world were isolated, alone, and confined to homes due to the global pandemic. 还有比现在更好的时机来反思现代的十字架和那些最了解它的人的经历吗. 如果耶稣受难日是今天,请加入我们的旅程,通过十字架的车站和那些坐在耶稣身边的人的故事. 此影片由[re]story与NPTS校友Alicia Reese和Cheryl Lynn Cain合作制作.

Feather Bricks Newsletter

2020年秋天,SRA学生推出了一份名为“羽毛砖”的双月刊通讯.” Damen Price, SRA student, proposed the title which comes from Paul’s letter to the Galatians, and explains the meaning behind the title in the first issue. The newsletter is a way for the students to stay connected with the Chicago campus, circulate internally as an inspiration to other men incarcerated at Stateville, and to share themselves with the outside world. 它也代表了在Melissa Pavlik的领导下,亚游集团官方网站写作中心和本科生写作顾问惊人的合作成果.

Click here to visit the Feather Bricks Archive

Lauren Daigle Visit

On October 5, 2018, 格莱美奖提名者劳伦·戴格尔访问了斯泰特维尔惩教中心,为被监禁的人表演,并与他们一起表演. See Lauren’s Facebook post about her visit. 

Reconciling Grace

60多年来,福音圣约教会制作了一周祈祷和2020年指南的材料, titled Reconciling Grace, showcases the writings of SRA students. 本指南适用于个人和小团体,可以在一年中的任何时候使用. Reconciling Grace can be downloaded in English and Spanish.

Illinois Lt. Governor visits SRA Students

In July 2019, Illinois Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, IDOC Director Rob Jeffreys, 几位伊利诺伊州议员访问了斯泰特维尔矫正中心,与15名北公园SRA学生进行了倾听圈活动.

Opening Minds Behind Bars


Alex Negron Sermon

In August 2020, North Park Theological Seminary alum, Pastor Jeff Hunter preached a sermon at North Park Covenant Church, Chicago, IL prepared by SRA third-year student Alex Negron.

Jamal Bakr Sermon

In January 2021, North Park Theological Seminary alum, Rev. Alicia Reese preached a sermon at Trinity Evangelical Covenant Church, Oak Lawn, IL prepared by SRA third-year student Jamal Bakr.



